Phantom Coaches hearse club logo

Home of the Mattel® Hot Wheels® Phantom Coachesâ„¢ Hearse

We put the 'fun' back into 'funeral'.

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This gateway will allow you to choose if you want to start at the dynamic, lots-o-eye candy Greetings and introduction page(takes a while to load if you have a slow connection) which includes a news ticker (info on what's been updated), or if you just want to get down to business and start looking at galleries, bios, message board, etc.

Optional PC fonts are used in this site, click to download: AmericanText BT, Blood of Dracula, Graveyard, Psycho Poetry

Searchour archives. Beware, you may actually find what you're looking for.
Greetingsand welcome. A brief introduction and a news ticker mentioning what's new.
VisualVideos, pretty pictures and member bios.
PropagandaWho we are, what we're about, our history and our official newsletter, The Epitaph.
Plunderour crypt. It's open and full of treasures for purchase (buy official PCHC? merchandise).
LibraryOn-line archive of original sales literature.
BoardOur message board is open for all to read and discuss hearse related topics.
Calendarof events. See what we have scheduled for future events, maybe we'll see you at one of them.
EntombJoin Phantom Coaches?!
FleeAaah! Run away! And info on how to link to us.

Contact us.

Graphics for this site were found at Eureka or Cool GRAPICS on the Web and the music was found at Chopin - MIDI and more.

Main Professional Car Web Ring This Professional Car Web Ring site is owned by
Phantom Coaches Hearse Club®.

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This site was designed on an IBM compatible platform with a Pentium II processor and Windows NT 4.0 operating system.
? Phantom Coaches Hearses Club®, 1998-2013. The Epitaph, the Phantom Coaches? name and the creepy hearse logo are registered trademarks of Phantom Coaches Hearse Club®.